Celebrating Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Monday, 21 March 2022
14:15 - 15:30 GMT
About the event
The subject of ED&I has been front and centre for so many organisations but in looking at embracing diversity, we are often excluding a portion of the workforce from our organisational strategy and policies.
As neurodifferences are often stigmatised, invisible, or masked, this group often doesn't have the representation of other groups on the D&I agenda. And we believe this group has so much to contribute to performance, creativity, and innovation within organisations. So, what does a neuro-inclusive organisation look like in practice? How might we get started?
We are excited to host a panel on Neurodiversity in the Workplace. In this session, we will cover practical and real-world experience on how organisations can be more neuro-inclusive. While every organisation and culture are different, we have found that many of the core questions and building blocks can overlap.
Specifically, we will cover:
An introduction to neurodiversity in the workplace
Employers’ duty of care under the law
Getting buy-in from senior leaders
Good practice examples of positive adjustments for individuals
Good practice examples at an organisational level
As this is a panel discussion, there will be lots of time for questions and interaction with you!
This is a free online event via Zoom.​

Host: Aidan Healy, Neurodiversity Celebration Week Campaign Director, and CEO of Lexxic

Siena Castellon, Founder of Neurodiversity Celebration Week
Sandi Wassmer, CEO of Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion
Carla Henison, Diversity and Inclusion Business Partner, Hymans Robertson
Emma Jennings, Diversity and Inclusion Lead at enei
Audience: Employers, Line Managers, HR Professionals, D&I Professionals